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Up close shot of ADT camera on a table with family in the background.
August 20, 2021

Where To Place Home Security Cameras In Los Angeles?

Where are the best spots to place your home security cameras in Los Angeles? Normally, you should consider three major regions of your property for video protection: your front door, the outside perimeter, and strategic interior positions. While your installation team is able to suggest where you should install, here are some helpful tips on where to place your home security cameras around your residence.

Always Safeguard Your Front Door

Even though it might seem absurd that a burglar would attempt to just enter through the front door, 34% of intrusions take place near the front door. You can also count package thieves among other risks to consider. Doorbell surveillance is ideal to handle these types of worries with crystal clear high-def, wide-angle capabilities.

Video doorbells are even more beneficial as you can chat with any visitors who walk up and ring the bell. Through your security app, like ADT Control, you can answer each instance with two-direction audio and live feeds and give the impression you’re on site. In the event a visitor begins doing something criminal, you can have your video doorbell record a clip and send it to your smartphone through a text.

Plan Ahead to Maximize Coverage With Your Exterior Surveillance System

Figuring out where to place home security cameras on the exterior of your home is often a difficult task. Luckily, there are a few beneficial suggestions to greatly increase the likelihood that your property is well protected.

  • Corners of your Los Angeles home allow for a large sightline, seeing two sections of your exterior.
  • Right under an eave or directly into a bit of trim or siding are perfect spots for security cameras as they will be partially obscured by your home.
  • On top of your garage, because the garage door is a more likely access point for intruders than you might believe!
  • Overlooking a patio or sliding door -- or any entrance not visible from the sidewalk.

In each of these spots, you should always trim away any bushes or tree limbs that might obstruct your ability to see clearly.

Recommendations To Enjoy The Most From Your Indoor Cameras

You have more options on where to place home security cameras within your residence in Los Angeles. That same versatility results in there being additional aspects to contemplate:

  • Sunshine through Your Windows: Even though you should be certain your windows are closed and locked, the sunlight through a window might cast a glare on your camera’s video feed. Point the lens away from direct blasts of sunshine to eliminate this problem.
  • Utilize Height: Just like a guard tower, a surveillance device installed in a high place will have a wider field of vision. Consider putting your cameras at the top of bookshelves or mounted on the upper reaches of a wall.
  • Prevent Access by Children and Pets: Your surveillance system won’t be able to protect you if it’s broken. Install your devices in a spot where kids and your furry friends have no ability to interact with them. You could try mounting or another means of securing them to ensure they don’t fall if inadvertently knocked into.
  • Houseplants and Decor: The greatest video camera will fail to be of much use if you’ve got a plant obstructing the field of vision. However, potted plants and other decor items can also serve as a means to hide your surveillance installation. Just make sure they don’t impede the view!

Turn to Secure24 Alarm Systems And Find the Right Place For Your Home Security Cameras

If you want the right placement of your home security cameras and other security equipment, use the experts at Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll help install the ideal plan for your complete residence -- safeguarding all areas. Just call (310) 421-1393 or submit the form below to arrange a consultation.